36. Value Management Forum “Digital EURO – SMART FINANCE“
View of German Bundesbank – Opportunities for Corporate Finance

Wednesday | 7 June, 2023 | 12:00 h
ONLINE & in person at Villa Bonn at Frankfurter
Gesellschaft für Handel, Industrie und Wissenschaft
e.V. | Frankfurt am Main (Germany)


VM is an international Management Consultancy headquartered Frankfurt./Main, Germany. Focus is Corporate Value Creation in EMEA, APAC, US.

CORE COMPETENCIES Commercial, Operational and Financial Excellence, i.e. strategy / mergers & acquisitions of industrial / service companies, market studies in customer segments, competition, suppliers, products / services, post mergerintegration, sustainable revenue enhancement, fixed cost reduction, productivity improvements, process optimization, corporate valuation, financial reporting, planning / controlling.

INDUSTRIES Steel / Metals, Chemicals / Oil & Gas, Energy, Engineering, Automotive, Trade, Sports, Private Equity, Industrial & Financial Services (e.g. thyssenkrupp, POSCO, Erdemir, Lanxess, SGB-SMIT, Tekfen, Akkök, Emerson, Belden, Inapa, Eintracht Frankfurt, sowie Triton, BC Partners, Sparda, GIZS/giropay JP Morgan / OEP, Lindsay Goldberg).


The Deutsche Bundesbank was established as the central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1957. The Central Office is located in Frankfurt am Main. The branches are supplying cash to the German economy: at currently 35 locations the employees provide an adequate supply of new highquality Euro banknotes and coins.

The main tasks / topics include: cash management, cash and non-cash payment systems, financial & monetary system, banking supervision and monetary policy.


36. Value Management Forum

In 2023 basic conditions in corporate finance and industrial manufacturing are significantly changing: increasing interest rates, rising inflation, growing political uncertainty, newly defining supply chains with focus on climate targets. One of the key financial improvements planned is the Digital EURO:
1. What exactly is SMART FINANCE?
2. What is the current status at Bundesbank und European Central Bank (ECB) regarding the Digital EURO?
3. Which improvements should banks, industrial & service companieas and private housholds expect from the Digital EURO?

We look forward to discussing these and other elements with you and our expert panel, and generating an exciting exchange of ideas.

Networking facilitation
We hope that this event can connect people.


  • 12:00 Uhr Participants‘ reception & Get together

  • 12:20 Welcome statement
    „New Age in Smart Finance“
    Prof. Dr. Jochen Vogel
    CEO | VM Value Management GmbH
    Consulting, Accounting, Finance | FOM
  • 12:30 The Digital EURO
    „Status and Opportunities for
    Banking and Industrials“
    Prof. Dr. Joachim Wuermeling
    Executive board member |
    Deutsche Bundesbank
  • 12:50 Discussion

  • 13:00 Lunch, Get-together

Host & Speakers

Prof. Dr. Jochen Vogel
Founder / CEO | VM Value Management GmbH, VM Forum, international value enhancement consulting, professor at FOM University, finance, performance management, strategy, M&A for industrial companies & private equity. He and his international VM team are advising CEO ́s, CFO ́s, COO ́s in implementing value creation programs incl. Change Management. Clients include thyssenkrupp, POSCO, Erdemir, Lanxess, Emerson, Belden, Inapa, Eintracht Frankfurt as well as Sparda, GIZS/giropay, Triton private equity, BC Partners, JP Morgan / OEP, Lindsay Goldberg, Previously he was Managing Director at Proudfoot, Roland Berger, Lehman Brothers and ThyssenKrupp, he is chairman/ member of advisory boards

Prof. Dr. Joachim Wuermeling
Executive board member | Deutsche Bundesbank

Professor Wuermeling heads the departments organisation, accounting, information technology, risk control, data and statistics. After master degree and PhD in law in Muenster, Bayreuth, Erlangen, Dijonand Florenz he served e.g. as state secretary at Federal ministry for economics as well as member of the European parliament (CSU party). Management positions in banking include e.g. CEO of association of Sparda-Banken, supervisory board memberships at ECB (European Central Bank)) and Baseler Committee on banking supervision. In addition he teaches European politics as honorary professor at Potsdam university.

Via email to info@vmvalue.de until 5 June, 2023 Number of on-site participants is limited („first come, first serve“). Online participation is not limited and possible even on short notice. Registrations are taken in the order received. If you have any questions, please call us on +49 (0) 69 7593-8493 or by email at info@vmvalue.de. VM Value Management GmbH, An der Welle 4 (Alte Oper), 60322 Frankfurt, Germany

Optional Registration:


Timing & Location
Wednesday, 7 June, 2023, 12:00 h CET. in person at Villa Bonn der Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Handel, Industrie und Wissenschaft e.V., Siesmayerstr. 12. Frankfurt am Main & ONLINE

1) ONLINE-lectures (12.20-13.00 h CET): Free of charge, Videolink: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85383520779?pwd=b3dhdzZ6VUMwMnQwZTVmaldPazBZQT09 (potential updates after registration)
2) IN PERSON Executive Lunch at Villa Bonn incl. lectures, reception, lunch, drinks free parking (12 h – 14.30 h CET): Fee: 95 – Euro*
*) Please transfer the participation fee in advance to:

VM Value Management GmbH
An der Welle 4, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
BLZ 500 700 24, Deutsche Bank Konto Nr. 0176
545 01 IBAN DE41500700240017654501 ·
Reference: 36. VM Forum Smart Finance

Eventdatum: Mittwoch, 07. Juni 2023 12:00 – 13:00

Eventort: Frankfurt am Main

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:

VM Value Management GmbH
Landstrasse 2-4
60306 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 7593-8493
Telefax: +49 (69) 7593-8200

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Kategorien: Konferenz