Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Pinterest – the social web offers numerous exciting opportunities for communication. But it also leads to the temptation to rush into the virtual platforms with overzealous actionism. To make an appearance on the social networks effective and efficient, it makes sense to develop a well thought-out concept. Because even on the social web, corporate strategy and communication goals must not be lost sight of. You already use some social media channels and want to integrate social media into your communication strategy? Would you like to engage your target groups professionally and interactively with AI support? In this media workshop, you will receive strategic solution approaches for the use of social media with which you can create sustainable and measurable success.



  • comparison of social media platforms
  • defining goals and target groups
  • finding topics with AI support and preparing them to suit the platform
  • AI-supported planning & analysis
  • tips for higher reach and interaction
  • optimize workflows for social media
  • more success with analytics



Learn how to integrate social media into your communications strategy, engage with target audiences, and better achieve your business and communications goals as a result.



  • This is an advanced workshop for employees from companies and agencies who use social media for their marketing and communication and are familiar with the current social media offerings.
  • Course for employees from communications departments who want to design a social media strategy and integrate it into their overall corporate communications.

Eventdatum: Freitag, 14. Juni 2024 09:00 – 17:00

Eventort: Online

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Telefon: +49 (40) 2263-9660
Telefax: +49 (40) 2263-5980

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